Born: 14th November 2005, 8:53am @ 36 wks gestation Weight: 4lbs 3oz, Height: 17” Current Weight: 35lbs, Height: 45” (41 months) Favorite Color: Green Favorite Cartoon: Hot Wheels!!! Loves: Animals, Dancing, Swimming, all kinds of balls, balloons, cars, motorcycles. HOT WHEELS!!! Dislikes: Going to Physical Therapy, being forced to do something John’s Diagnoses: Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR), Brain Damage due to Hypoxia attributed to a malfunctioning placenta. GI Reflux (treated), slight hearing loss in one ear, astigmatism in both eyes (got glasses), mild CP manifesting as lower limb hypertonia/toe walking, upper body hypotonia, loose joints resulting in hyper flexibility, behavioral manifestations, problems with gaining weight, possible gluten intolerance (trying to be Gluten free). Got tested for Angelman’s Syndrome but karyotype and PCR studies were negative for the condition. Moderate Sensory Integration Disorder. Still waiting to see what problems will later arise from the damage in his brain as he is too young still to know the full extent of his problems. He has NO mental retardation whatsoever!